
It seems like before the ink is dry on your divorce decree everyone starts asking you if you think you will get married again. What? I’m not really thinking much beyond what I’m going to fix for dinner and how to get time off work to have the car fixed. Now you want me to think about getting married again? It’s almost painful to say that, married again. Each of us thought that first time was forever, there wouldn’t be any “again,” yet here we are, wondering what to do next. We all want to be loved, we need to … Continue reading

Divorced Men and Women on Dating

Recently a study of 2000 people was done as part of a promo for the movie” Crazy, Stupid Love” and it was discovered that divorced men are more eager to remarry than divorced women. 47% of divorced men were ready to remarry compared with only 20% of divorced women. Men also seem to jump back into the dating world faster than women with more of them using on line dating services and willing to hire a professional matchmaker to help them find a woman. They didn’t ask any follow up questions so I don’t know why the participants answered the … Continue reading

Dating Single Parents

Dating as a single parent is difficult, there is so much more to consider now so the people you are looking to date are different than the people you would have chosen when you didn’t have children. You want someone who is family oriented, who is going to accept your child as part of the package. Often I see women who are looking for those things but aren’t quite as accepting of men in the same situation. It used to be rare for a man to have sole custody of his children but it is becoming more and more common. … Continue reading

Single Moms Dating Again

The absolute worst thing you can do is to make a single mom feel guilty when she starts dating again. Beginning the dating process is already hard enough for a single mother without everyone else’s opinions weighing down on her. You may think it is too soon, you may not like the person she’s dating, you may assume she’s not putting her child’s needs first but I guarantee that is far from the case. When a single mom starts dating again her number one priority is her children. In every decision she makes she is taking them into consideration. If … Continue reading

Single Parenting and the Love Bug

In A Place All Your Own You have finally accepted the fact that you are single again. Ugh, you do not like the sound of it, but there it is. You have acknowledged it and are trying to deal with it the best way that you know how. Some of your friends are sympathetic; some envy you, of all things. They would love the chance to be free again, they say. Do they not realize how difficult it is? How lonely it is? Apparently not. You pray that they never have the chance to feel the things that you are … Continue reading

Moms: Your Child’s Behavior Problems May Be Caused By Your Partner Changes

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have completed a study which found that when a child is exposed to multiple transitions in his or her mother’s live-in partners, aggressive behaviors are the result. Primarily in white children, the study determined that when a child fourteen or younger had endured more than two changes in mom’s romantic relationships the troubling behaviors increased. The correlation was not found when mothers kept their dating partners outside the home, living separately. Yet if there were at least three different live-in relationships, which would include marriages or cohabitating lovers, it seemed to trigger significant behavioral difficulties … Continue reading

Online Dating for Single Moms

I will be the first to admit that after going through my divorce, I was not real sure where or how to start over. I found myself the single mother of two terrific children but virtually no social life. I remember feeling unsure of the dating scene, which is why I decided to give online dating a try. What I discovered was both good and bad, which I wanted to share with you. I hope that through some of my own failures and successes, you too can find the right online dating sites to meet nice, honest man. The first … Continue reading

Depression: It’s More Than Being Sad

Depression is a clinical disorder in which the brain no longer produces the proper amount of serotonin. This can happen for a number of reasons and can last for invariable amounts of time. For some reason there often is a stigma associated with depression. I even once had a boy I was dating tell me there was no such thing. Another man I know told me to “build a bridge and get over it.” For someone suffering from depression these comments were both hurtful and completely untrue. I was dealing with something I literally had no control over. Hard as … Continue reading

Body Image

Before I got divorced I rarely worried about my weight, I was younger and I was married. My weight had never been a problem. Then I got divorced and started dating. Sometimes dating feels like swimming with sharks, everyone is trying to look their best, be their best, make the best first impression. Suddenly I worried about things I never worried about before, like my weight. It’s perfectly normal to want to look and feel our best, however we do need to be careful with the messages we are sending our daughters. Young girls are so impressionable and we are … Continue reading

Take Back Your Power

It’s all his fault, if he hadn’t done ( fill in the blank), we would still be married, my kids would have both of their parents and I would have my happily ever after. Instead I’m raising three kids by myself, with barely enough money to pay the bills, forget about anything extra while he is off gallivanting with his girlfriend of the week. Sound familiar? Even some of it? Most of us have a divorce story. Some of us initiated the divorce but even then there is more than enough blame to go around. In my case, my ex … Continue reading