Support and Encouragement for Taking Chances

As parents, we want to keep our children safe. We also want to help them learn how to keep themselves safe and to figure out how to be successful in the world. Have you ever considered whether you are encouraging your children to play it TOO safe? Could you actually be discouraging them from taking the risks and chances they need to in order to build confidence, self-esteem and resiliency? When was the last time you praised your child for taking a risk or setting out in unchartered waters? It seems to be more the norm to praise our children … Continue reading

You Might Have to End Some Relationships

Many of us come to our role as single parents through loss—we lose our partner relationship through separation, death, or divorce. Others of us may choose to become single parents from the very beginning. We all may find that once we become single parents, we may have to let some of our friendships and relationships go because they are either not supportive or not conducive to life as a family… Ending relationships is seldom easy and certainly not something most of us find fun. It can take a lot of effort and vulnerability to find and make friends, and nurture … Continue reading