How To Get Your Home-Based Business Out Of A Rut Fast

One of the great things about owning your own business is that you can move the business forward at whatever pace you feel comfortable with. There are no other decision-makers to tell you when it’s time to update your marketing strategy or reassess your pricing. There is also no one telling you what your work hours should be and when it is time to consider changing your schedule. You are responsible for ensuring that your business continues to evolve and while this may seem like a heavy burden, it can also be a great joy. One of the many joys … Continue reading

Is It Almost Time For A New Computer?

If you are like many people, then your computer is an essential part of your home, to say the least. You may use it for work, your family uses it for entertainment, and everyone uses it to stay connected with friends and relatives. Everyone in your house (except perhaps the baby and the dog) uses the computer. How do you know that the computer that you use every day will work tomorrow, when you need to send out that important email or your child has to do some research for a school project? Like many electronics, computers have a life … Continue reading

How Homeschooling Has Changed Me

Yesterday I wrote about what homeschooling has taught me about myself over the years. I have not only grown in knowledge through my homeschooling experience with my kids, but I have also changed quite a bit too. 1. Homeschooling has made me more patient. My kids might argue with this as I am impatient by nature, but I was alot worse before we began homeschooling. I remember losing my temper almost every morning in an effort to get the kids on the school bus. I also remember walking away from the homework table in a huff as the kids were … Continue reading

Preschoolers and Car Dangers

If you needed another reason why you should never leave your preschooler in the car alone, here it is: Police in the United Kingdom are calling 5-year-old David Law a hero. What’s more, officers say the fact that the young boy is alive today is “nothing short of a miracle.” Last week, the preschooler jumped out of his mother’s moving car in order to escape a deranged lunatic, who stole it while David was still strapped in the backseat. According to reports, the boy’s mom parked her car outside of her son’s school to check on term dates for David. … Continue reading

Help! My Scale Is Stuck!: Plateaus and Weight Loss

Everything was going great. You were losing weight each and every week and you were really pumped. It was so exciting to watch your weight plunge downhill. You felt better, you knew you looked better, and it was a wonderful feeling. Not to mention that you were able to buy new clothes in a smaller size! Finally. Then one day….BAM…nothing. The scale was not moving although you kept up your same exercise routine and your same calorie count. What happened? My dear, you have hit a plateau. Do not fret though, this is common. It is just a bump in … Continue reading

Consider Restructuring Time Management

Again and again we talk here in the Single Parent’s blog about how important time management is to the function of a single parent family. Many of us pride ourselves on being able to juggle multiple tasks and keep all sorts of balls in the air. Our concept of time, however, may not be meshing with our family’s needs. If your child is balking at certain times of the day, or you are having power struggles or a hard time fitting in the things that you really want to do together, it might be time to consider restructuring your time … Continue reading

Homeschool Question: Advanced Child with Math Problems

Here is the question (in part): For my son, …I am at a loss. He’s smart, like out there. He’s ten and just finished up a research project … that it is not completely scientifically accurate. But, it is amazing. He researched why the body’s immune system can’t win the war with HIV (not for school, just cause he wanted to know about it) and he mapped and planned a way to overcome the hurdle of beating HIV from the outside of the cell and instead figured out how to inject the virus with a disabling anti-body. Any suggestions for … Continue reading

Six Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Want your body to become a more efficient fat-burning machine? Try these tips! Be sure that you are eating enough. Starving yourself will make your body slow your metabolism — not speed it up! For most women, eating around 1400 calories daily will keep your metabolism moving. Less than 1200 calories per day is less than your body needs for basic biological function — so your body will be forced to break down muscle for energy. That’s not a good thing. Make sure you include breakfast in your day. That early morning meal gives you a burst of energy AND … Continue reading

When Your Thinking Gets Skewed

Clear mind or cloudy mind? How do you know if you are seeing things clearly or if your objectivity is being influenced and tainted by other things? Are you letting past experiences skew your thinking? Or is your child creating a bit of a stir and keeping you from seeing things clearly? Do you have such emotional reactions to things that you are having a hard time figuring out what to do? Sometimes, it is important to give yourself a time out and try to get out of the midst of the fog and clouds in order to get that … Continue reading

Haste Makes Waste

This has always been one of my favorite old sayings—mostly because it speaks to me and my temperament: I am one of those people who SO has a tendency to get going too fast and make mistakes; the type of person who might start a project or test without reading all the instructions—so I need to be reminded to slow down and take my time so that I don’t make a mess of things… When it comes to a small home business, we often think that the more we do in terms of quantity, the more balls we juggle in … Continue reading