Small Acts of Kindness

As a single parent, little acts of kindness go a long way. This afternoon I was reminded of just how beautiful it is when we reach out to serve those around us. Church had just gotten out and everyone was scurrying off to their cars. It was freezing cold, as it usually is this time of year where we live. I watched as one single mother and her five year old daughter walked out to their car, only to find that they had a flat tire. I’m sure her heart just sank. I watched this woman and her daughter stare … Continue reading

One Million Acts of Kindness

When I was a kid, I always thought I’d do something to make a difference. Nothing huge – I didn’t aspire to be president or cure cancer, but something small, but significant. I guess it was a fantasy that I don’t think I ever really fulfilled. However, Bob Votruba doesn’t have to worry about making a difference because he decided to make a different. He bought an old bus and had family members help paint it. Then he and his faithful companion Bogart (a Boston terrier), set out to remind people to be kind. Sounds like a simple idea, doesn’t … Continue reading

Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness

You know what “random acts of kindness” are. It’s when you do something nice for someone else, out of the blue, for no reason other than to make that person’s day a little brighter. You do this “just because”, and are not seeking any reward for the random act of kindness. If you are so inspired, you can put your genealogy skills to use in a random act of kindness for a complete stranger. Start by visiting the Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness website. The Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness, (RAOGK), website was started in 1999. It is a networking … Continue reading

Practice Random Acts of Kindness with Your Spouse

One of the fun things about marriage is that you have another person, a partner, the love or your life, for whom you can lavish attention. Here is a ready made opportunity in the form of the most important person in the world, and opportunity to give of yourself. We have heard of random acts of kindness before. Typically, in practicing this, you look for opportunities to do something nice without the chance of reward or acknowledgment. Most of the time, the person who receives the act may not know it was you that performed it or even that it … Continue reading

Frugal Random Acts of Kindness

You don’t need to hand out $100 bills to practice random acts of kindness (ROAK). In fact, sometimes the smallest or least expensive things can mean the most to someone, whether they are a friend, a neighbor or a stranger. It is amazing how a ROAK can really make someone’s day and change a bad attitude to a good one. Here are some random acts of kindness that you can practice while still leading a frugal lifestyle. Wouldn’t it be great if we all decided to try and do once nice thing for someone every single day? Pretty soon, doing … Continue reading

General Conference: “Out of Small Things”

In his talk “Out of Small Things” Elder Michal J Teh begins his talk by quoting Cain who asked “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Elder Teh goes on to reference the teachings of Alma that we must bear one another’s burdens, and comfort each other. Elder Teh goes on to mention the story of the good Samartin and that it points out that we should help each other regardless of race, class or any other divide that may be present. It also teaches that we do not have to have specific qualifications to serve. Elder Teh also points out that … Continue reading

Raising Compassionate Children

I want my daughter to be a loving, compassionate human being. Not always the easiest thing to foster. Children are naturally selfish, it’s how they are wired, we have to teach them to be compassionate. As a single mother I try to remember that as long as my daughter is a good person people won’t remember if my house was clean. There are so many ways to teach kindness and compassion but really, children learn what they live, if you want them to be kind, model kindness. Do your kids tease each other? Of course they do, they are children. … Continue reading

Celebrate Pay it Forward Day!

Did you know that today, April 26th is Pay It Forward Day? That is right! People all over the world are celebrating by doing special acts of kindness. You don’t have to only pay it forward today, though. Get in the habit of being kind, and the world will be a better place. There are so many ways to practice a random act of kindness today, from paying for something for the person behind you to leaving a surprise gift for someone, to doing a much needed task anonymously. You can go small, such as putting a quarter in someone’s … Continue reading

Angels Don’t Always Come with Wings

Many years ago there was a young mother with three little children. Christmas was days away and she didn’t know what to do. She had finally gotten the courage to leave her abusive husband, but it had left her with little to no money. The divorce fees were mounting quickly and it was only just the beginning of what would be a very long journey. She had three little children she was struggling to feed and she was desperately trying to find a way to tell her children why Santa wouldn’t be coming this year. Just when she thought things … Continue reading

Help Each Other

My daughter has a three year old sister, I may have mentioned that a time or two, Ivy. Ivy’s mom is a single mom as well, except she is a single mother to three small children. I don’t know how she does it. I remember when I was newly divorced how overwhelming it was to be the only person responsible for my child. I really can’t imagine being a single mom to a newborn and two other children. When Hailey was born I remember being so thankful when her father came home from work so I could shower, or just … Continue reading