How Old is Too Old for Trick-or-Treating?

Trick-or-treating is a big part of Halloween. It is pretty obvious that this tradition was designed for children to participate in (often accompanied by their parents). Is there an “age limit” for trick-or-treating? At what age does a child become too old to go trick-or-treating? Ultimately, a parent needs to make that decision for themselves. Here are some things to consider when wondering if your child is too old to trick-or-treat this year. Check the local rules. Many cities or towns will issue specific rules regarding trick-or-treating. These rules usually consist of things like the hour that trick-or-treating can begin … Continue reading

The Truth About Your Diet During Pregnancy

One of the assumptions I made about pregnancy prior to becoming pregnant is I’d have a diet-related Get out of Jail Free card.  I knew that there are certain foods it’s best to avoid, but I thought at least I’d have a free pass to eat, well, not quite as much as I wanted, but to feel a bit more guilt-free about evening ice cream binges. That turned out not to be the case at all.  First off, the whole “eating for two” thing isn’t true.  At most, you should eat for one and a quarter.  In addition to that, … Continue reading

Parents Needed More Than Ever

I used to think the ideal years for being a stay-at-home mom was when the kids are very young, before they ventured off to school.  These are the years where so much forming and shaping of their lives takes place. Yet I have come to see another stage in life to be just as important.  It is during the teen years.  So often parents see this as their time…after all, teens are independent and don’t seem to need mom and dad as much as they used to. Whether the issue is staying home or just being available, too many parents … Continue reading

Help! I Need Motivation to Cook

Cook from scratch to save money. It is automatic. Unless you are springing for prime cuts of steak or exotic mushrooms (in which case, feel free to cook a meal for me some time), you will always spend more money eating out than you will cooking from scratch, especially when you factor in nutrition. Heating up a frozen pizza you picked up from the grocery store doesn’t count. Those things are expensive, too (and tiny; they are very tiny). Still knowing something is good for you and your budget and actually doing it are too different things, as most of … Continue reading

He Trusts Me Too Much

My son and I put up our Christmas tree yesterday. Yes, I know it is not even Thanksgiving yet, but I was in need of some Christmas spirit a little early this year. Logan didn’t seem to mind too much. As we were putting ornaments on the tree I happened upon an angel with a quote from Mother Teresa. It said, “I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle, I just wish He didn’t trust me so much!” I seem to remember my mother giving this ornament to me the year after my divorce. There have been … Continue reading

Cloudy With a Chance of Tooth Showers

It’s raining teeth around here. Teeny-tiny, itsy-bitsy pearly whites belonging to a child who was absolutely convinced that she would go to her grave with all of her baby teeth intact. My 8-year-old has turned into a human slot machine, except when you pull her arm she spits out teeth instead of quarters. Which is not to say that she hasn’t made out like a pachislo addict. Who needs to hit the jackpot on a real one-arm bandit when you’ve got the Tooth Fairy making sure you win big when you loose little choppers? My daughter’s teeth have been falling … Continue reading

Time To Thin Out The Toy Collection

With Dylan’s third birthday just around the corner and Christmas coming about a month later, there are sure to be many new toys coming into our home. We already have a lot of toys, and they are currently all over the floor of the playroom because Dylan enjoys dumping out the toy storage bins. Sometimes I think that he has too many toys, but I am not exactly sure what to do about it. The other day I decided that I would like to use our too many toys dilemma as an opportunity to teach Dylan about generosity and helping … Continue reading

Is There Such a Thing as Too Nice?

Is there such a thing as being too nice? When we’re in a relationship with someone, particularly when we’re married, we learn the answer to that question: yes. It’s not necessarily that too much niceness is bad, but that what one person might interpret as nice isn’t so great for the other. A friend and I were talking about that today in relation to our husbands. She shared that one time, her husband managed to bring home a big chocolate cake on the first day she was starting a new diet, something he knew about. Another time he kept filling … Continue reading

Time To Get Ready For Indoor Fun

It has been getting rather chilly in the mornings and in the evenings around here. I have been trying to ignore it, and on the sunny days that is fairly easy to do because by about eleven in the morning it is usually warm enough for a short sleeved shirt. Today, calling in a heating oil delivery was on my to – do list so for a brief period of time I had to acknowledge that these sunny, warm days are soon going to give way to the damp chill of late fall and the bitter cold and snow of … Continue reading

Does Your Toddler Drink Too Much Juice?

I have yet to meet a toddler who does not like juice. Juice tastes sweet and it is refreshing when one is thirsty from playing hard. Toddlers often ask for juice, and many parents are happy to provide it. After all it’s juice, and juice comes from fruit, right? It turns out that juice is not as great of a beverage option for your toddler as many of us thought. Many drinks that are labeled as juice contain added sugar and artificial coloring, and those are not good things for toddlers to be consuming. While a cup of diluted, 100 … Continue reading