Protecting Yourself as a Single Parent

This has been kind of a scary week for me. Last Saturday I had the bright idea of taking Logan downtown to walk around Temple Square and see some of the sights of downtown Salt Lake City. We’ve done this on several occasions, attended outside concerts, and browsed along the streets together. But now, I’m afraid I am going to have to think twice the next time I consider traveling downtown just the two of us. We decided to take the Trax Train in order to avoid the stresses of parking in Salt Lake. The ride up wasn’t so bad. … Continue reading

Weird Dreams

Do you have weird dreams when you’re pregnant? I do. I don’t know why, but with both pregnancies, I seemed to sleep deeper and have more vivid dreams than normal. I am a poor sleeper in general. I always have been, so for me to have dreams on a regular basis, and remember them definitely signifies I am having some issues that I need to work out in my sleep. Think about it. When you find out you’re pregnant, there is such an emotional roller coaster. You’re happy one second, and freaking out the next. You don’t know what kind … Continue reading

Stress and Anxiety Dreams

The brain is a wonderful, funny organ. It does so much for our bodies without any conscious effort! But sometimes, I wish it would find a different way to handle stress. When I’m really stressed, my dreams can get really weird. I have a few recurring dreams that pop up when the pressure’s on. The school dream. Usually, it’s the end of my senior year of high school and I realize that I’ve been skipping out on one class for the whole year. Maybe I’m scrambling to finish an extra credit project; maybe I’m so worried about other classes that … Continue reading

Motherhood Dreams

Many of us are initiated into the world of what I call “motherhood dreams” when we are expecting—whether during pregnancy or anticipating and waiting for an adoption, I think our subconscious starts to work on parenting and motherhood issues before our child even arrives. After nearly two decades of being a mom, I still find that many of my motherhood issues, fears, and anxieties get wrestled with in my sleeping dream life… While I have had some lovely motherhood dreams, many of them are wrought with anxiety and worry about one or more of my kids. It has been strange … Continue reading

“Stress” Dreams of a Single Mom

I am a big believer in dream analysis; okay, maybe I’m into having my dreams “officially” analyzed and I don’t necessarily think of them as “visions”—but I do think things can be worked out in my subconscious while I sleep. I’ve gotten some pretty good insight and inspiration from my dreams over the years, so I keep a dream symbol book near the bed and try to at least pay attention to what is going down in my dream world. Periodically, I have what I think of as “single parent” dreams—dreams where I am incredibly busy and there are all … Continue reading

Analyze This

You know that dream where everyone in the world hates you, but somehow you gain an invitation to compete on Iron Chef America where the secret ingredient is barley and one of the guest judges is Anderson “I love me some Crack Pie” Cooper, and you burn fish so badly that it looks like chicken until you pull back the skin and a sea of pin bones are revealed, and suddenly the entire kitchen goes up in flames… What do you mean you don’t remember that one? I get that one all the time, which probably explains why my 8-year-old … Continue reading

“I’m a Terrible Mother.”

Do you ever have a secret, nagging feeling that you are inadequate as a mother? Are you ever fearful that you just don’t have what it takes to parent this very special child? What if you fail him or her? And what if your child has these problems because of something you did, or something within you that was genetically inferior? I remember when I was a single mother, trying to make sure that my sons’ needs were being met. At that time, of course, I didn’t have my stepdaughters, but I had a son with juvenile diabetes and another … Continue reading