Taming Tantrums Part 2

You read yesterday about some tips to alleviate some of the common causes of temper tantrums. Today we’ll talk about some more tricks to make everybody’s lives a little easier. Nobody likes to go to the doctor. Your kids are no different. They may feel some anxiety about having to get shots every time they show up at the doctor’s office. Try to be empathetic. Shots are no fun and can be frightening for kids. Let them know that it’s ok to be scared, but that it’s important to get shots so that they don’t get sick. Try giving them … Continue reading

Taming Tantrums Part 1

Does your child start screaming the second you mention you’re going to the doctor’s? The dentist? The very moment you are on the phone? For my son it was daycare. I dreaded telling him when it was time to go. The tears started pouring and I literally had to drag him out to the car kicking and screaming. It was unbelievably draining and I wasn’t sure what to do. I had talked to every one I could think of and nobody seemed to know what to do about it. It’s taken a month and a half, but we are finally … Continue reading

Are You Really Giving Your Kids Everything?

The other day, I brought my three kids to a birthday party that took place at one of those family fun centers. There were all sorts of adventures, such as a huge climbing/ball pit, a small laser maze, a rock climbing wall and plenty of games that the kids could play for tickets. In order to play the ticket games, kids had to swipe a card on which money was added. As part of the party, each guest got a card that was worth $3. Each game cost anywhere from $.50 to $2.00 to play. This meant less than the … Continue reading

Let the Screaming Begin!

If you couldn’t tell by the title of this post I have a screaming child next to me. I’m on the verge of going to find my own corner to scream in. It’s been one of those days…weeks…months…ok, years. He’s very four. I may have thrown the idea of selling him to the zoo around a few times today. It certainly would make for a less stressful night, but I guess I might miss the screaming after a few days…maybe. Kids are hard and it seems they are always harder during this time of year. With all of the excitement … Continue reading

Grocery Store Meltdowns

I rarely get the luxury of going to the grocery store on my own. Needless to say I am very familiar with the infamous grocery store meltdowns. Most of us have been there at one time or another. Your three year old runs straight for one of those carts with the car on the front, you know the ones…they are impossible to maneuver around the small isles and the seatbelts are always broken, which means they can escape easily from the confines of the car. You give in to the car cart and within minutes they are begging to go … Continue reading

What Are You Really Feeling?

Have you ever noticed that when you start feeling anger, there was usually some other feeling first? As single parents we tend to go through a wide range of emotions, especially in the beginning, when things are fresh. Anger is no exception. It is natural to feel some anger at your situation, to feel angry at your ex for whatever reason. However, usually when we are feeling angry, we were feeling something else to begin with. Take a step back and examine yourself. What are you really feeling? Before the anger set in, were you feeling hurt, embarrassed, stressed, jealous, … Continue reading

Preventing Meltdowns…For Both of You

I don’t know about you, but when my son starts throwing a tantrum, I know it won’t be long before a mommy meltdown. Being a parent is overwhelming, and doing it without someone there by your side, to share in your grief is just plain hard. There are times when I have just sat down on the floor and cried right along with him because I just didn’t know what else to do. Usually after we’ve both cried it out we can give each other a hug and move on with our day, but trust me, it can be exhausting. … Continue reading

Disney does what Parents can’t – Stops Kids Whining!

First of all I should say that I’m not knocking parenting skills here. I’m a mom with 2 preschoolers, one of which has Aspergers and so I’m all too familiar with kids who need to express emotions, get tired of waiting, need to move about etc, it’s all part of the parenting package to have to deal with that kind of behavior from time to time. Having said that, the one place that I’ve yet to see kids have a meltdown is in a Disney park. On my first trip to Disney World I was a single person in my … Continue reading