Remind Yourself of the Reason You Work

Most single parents are working parents. For many of us, it is not only a requirement, but our work provides the lifeblood for our children’s health and safety. When things get stressful and we feel hopeless, or wonder why we are working so hard and putting up with the stressors we put up with—it can be a perfect time to remind ourselves of why we work as hard as we do. I am not so altruistic as to say that the only reason I work is for my kids—I also like to have a roof over my head and buy … Continue reading

It Doesn’t Help when People Tell You how Tired You Look

Like most of you single parents, I try to keep it together; I really don’t want to live an exhausted life of constant chaos so I do try to eat right, get enough rest, balance my life, etc. Unfortunately, there just seem to be times when all of that isn’t possible. I do get overwhelmed and overextended and I am the first person to get crabby about it (I am NOT one of those people who love to be busy or thrive in crisis, quite the opposite.) It definitely does not help when others tell me how puffy my eyes … Continue reading

Tending to Family Without Losing Ground on the Work Front

One of the things you will hear when a group of single parents get together is that we often feel like when we are at home, we should be working and when we are at work—we should be taking care of home stuff. We need work flexibility and to be able to take off and tend to family business, but there is the worry and risk that we will slip behind or jeopardize our positions at work. How can we take care of family business and not compromise our work and careers? I think that it can depend on the … Continue reading