Thank Goodness for Cousins

As the mother of an only child I worry about my child’s ability to interact and get along with other children. Especially after my divorce I worried that Hailey would not spend enough time with other children, outside of school, to learn good social skills. It seemed that when I got divorced many of the friends I had while I was married drifted away, and with them, went the friendships my daughter had with their children. The divorce also effectively shut the door on any siblings she might have. This makes me especially grateful for my family. My sisters and … Continue reading

Thank Goodness for That Village!

I am hours away from embarking on several “firsts” for me–my first international business trip, my first international flight, the first time I’ve left my kids for more than a few days–as a long-time single parent, I have to admit that I never imagined I would be able to do all these things or thought I would every have a strong enough support network to trust enough to leave my kids for so long! I suppose this is a great example of why letting others in to help and building a strong support network for a single parent family can … Continue reading

Ways to Avoid Stress: Lifestyle Changes

Making changes to your lifestyle can help lower your stress level. Starting with basic good health is a good idea. If your body is in good condition to begin with, it may be able to cope with stress better — or in a more healthy way. Eat a balanced diet — fuel your body with the nutrients it needs to fight stress and other health issues. Get moderate exercise at least three times per week — the more the better. Get enough sleep — your body recovers from the day’s stress while you sleep. Balance work, family needs, personal needs, … Continue reading

Author Interview—Marianne Arkins

Today we are joined by author Marianne Arkins. Marianne, thank you for agreeing to chat with us today. On your site, you describe your books as “sassy, sweet romance.” Can you tell me a little more about that? The “sassy” comes from the fact that I have a difficult time keeping a completely straight face in my writing. There are exceptions, of course, but for the most part my heroines have a little snark, or I have strange secondary characters or unusual pets. The “sweet?” That’s because, at least thus far, none of my stories or novels have fully consummated … Continue reading

Don’t Be Afraid to Impose

One of the hard lessons I have had to learn as a single parent is NOT to try to do everything all by myself. One of the big things that held me back in the early years was that I didn’t want to impose or put “my stuff” onto other people. I assumed that since I had had these children by choice and I should be “in charge” of living my life and running my family, that I had no right to ask anyone for anything. I just didn’t want people to think that I could not handle my situation … Continue reading