Balancing Blogging and Mothering

I squinted to make sense of scattered letters through the glare on my screen.  Focused attempts at deciphering HTML became distracted by bursts of giggling from the other side of my window.  Rejoicing from finally making a text box that scrolled, I missed a small excited voice asking me to “look at me”.  Dripping hair and sopping wet footsteps ran inside to beckon me to join their mini water park complete with a blow up monkey pool.  Promising just five more minutes I shooed away wet fingers from my computer.  Next I looked up and the time for sprinklers, popsicles, and water slides … Continue reading

Balancing the Holidays: Simplify, Blend and Schedule

I don’t know about you, but December tends to be the busiest month of the year.  There is so much to do, so many preparations to make, gifts to buy and a house to clean. Yet this is also the time of year for being with family.  So how can you balance it all?  I think it comes down to three things:  simplifying, blending and scheduling. Let me explain.  First, simplify.  What are some things you can skip doing?  Are there areas of the home that really don’t need to be cleaned? Could you cut down on the amount of … Continue reading

Balancing Each Other Out

They say that opposites attract and while I do believe that is mostly true, I also think that what this brings to a marriage is balance. Imagine if your spouse were EXACTLY like you. I don’t know about you but for me that is kind of a scary thought. My husband and I have very different personalities. He is much quieter, not as prone to speak up about things. Me, on the other hand, I have no problem offering my opinion. He is more laidback and I can be high-strung. The way I look at this is if we were … Continue reading

Balancing Work and Family

As a single parent being a stay at home mom just isn’t an option for most of us. You have to have a way to provide for your children, because let’s face it, child support just doesn’t cover everything. Supporting children on your own can be overwhelming. Having to work means having to find quality child care for your children, which can be pricey. Many young mothers find themselves trapped because all of the money they make goes straight to daycare. It’s a vicious cycle that is hard to get out of without a strong support system to help you. … Continue reading

The Balancing Act

Some days being a single-parent can be exhausting, ok let’s face it most days it is beyond exhausting. Instead of doing the regular motherly duties, you’re taking on the role of both parents. There’s no one there to give you a break when you’re on the verge of pulling out every last hair on your head, if you’re sick, you have to come into work anyway, if you have a splitting headache and you can barely see straight you’ve got to pick yourself up and do it anyways because your kids are depending on you to take care of them. … Continue reading

Balancing Workload during the Busy Holiday Season

Balancing your workload during the busy holiday season can be a real challenge. I don’t know about you but I have had a long list of things to do: shopping, baking, and decorating. Well, the list was longer but I will stop there. Just before December hit I made arrangements to take time off from my main source of income, writing web content. I have it set to be off the entire week my children are off from school. I still didn’t know how I was going to squeeze in everything else until then. But then my workload was reduced … Continue reading

Balancing Mulitple Ages in Your Homeschool

Homeschooling moms of multiple children face a unique challenge. These homeschooling moms need to manage multiple ages and stages of children under one homeschooling roof. Basically, she needs to learn the art of a one room schoolhouse or a juggling act. Each option comes with its own challenges yet each can be successful. A mom must decide for herself how she will balance her day and her children’s education. There is no right way but oddly enough there are plenty of wrong ways. For example, if your home is a source of stress or children falling behind in their studies … Continue reading

Balancing Families with Working from Home

In my first blog for Home Business I wrote about the struggles in getting others to realize that although you are working from home, you are actually working. One of the things I mentioned that I would like to blog about in the future is balancing your family with work. I know that most times when we think of this balancing act, we think about moms who work outside the home. They have to balance their jobs with their families. However we cannot dismiss those of us who work from home because believe me, the balancing act is just as … Continue reading

Flex Schedules: A Balancing Act for Preschool Parents

Tonight I got together with a number of moms I know. Around the table, we chatted. I realized that a number of them are like me in terms of work. Yes, it looks like we work part time. We’re only gone some of the time during the day. However, in reality we work full time. We freelance, we teach night classes, we act as web designers and writers and all sorts of other bits and pieces. I live in a very, very expensive city. Unfortunately and fortunately, it is also the place where my parents and my husband’s parents live, … Continue reading

Balancing Preschool Parenting and Work At Home

If you work at home and have a preschooler, how do you work and how do you parent? I’ve a relative newbie to this work-at-home gig. Juggling contracts and consistent blogging gigs can be a little crazy when you are also the primary caregiver for a small child. Small children know that the computer is sucking your brain away, no matter how much you work to pretend it isn’t happening. How do I structure my work at home day? Well, on my at home days, my daughter watches half an hour of television in the morning. That is the beginning … Continue reading