The Dangers of Getting Over-Extended

With all those big, heavy balls we single parents struggle to keep in the air, being exhausted and over-stretched can become a way of life. We may just come to expect so much from ourselves that we don’t see when our over-extension is actually getting dangerous. Become too overworked and overtired isn’t just a nuisance, it can actually put our own health, and our children’s safety at risk. What are some of the signs and symptoms that let you know that you are entering into the danger zone? Be aware if you are having trouble remembering things, making sound and … Continue reading

Feeling Judged By Other Single Parents

As much as it may seem like we single parents would be a “club” since we have our single parenthood in common—that does not always prove to be the case. In fact, I have found that while we should have a lot to commiserate and support each other about, often some of my toughest critics—have been other single parents… I am not sure what it is about—maybe parents are somewhat competitive and apt to compare themselves to other parents, regardless of whether they are single parents or not. But, I think the experience of feeling like a minority or “outside” … Continue reading

How To Get More Sleep

It isn’t always easy to fit in enough bed time. A poll from the National Sleep Foundation found that sixty percent of women only manage a good night’s sleep a few days a week! Around half of all women polled feel like their lack of sleep is interfering with their daily activities. Here are some tips to help you squeeze more Zzz into your night. Prioritize. Yes, you’ve got tons of things to do… but how many of them can wait until tomorrow? An hour before bed, make a list of all the things you think you need to do … Continue reading

Counting Sheep May Not Work After All

The next time you have trouble sleeping, you might not want to bother calling out the mental sheep. A recent study from Oxford University in England studied the effectiveness of sheep-counting and found the technique lacking. Fifty insomniacs participated in the sleep study, which focused on distraction techniques. One group counted sheep; a second group was asked to visualize a relaxing, peaceful scene. A third group was given no instructions at all. Who fell asleep the fastest? The visualization group was the first in dreamland, by an average of twenty minutes. Why did the good old counting sheep let the … Continue reading