The “Fulfillment” Question

We live in an age and era where the focus on personal mission and fulfillment is incredibly strong—at least in our Western culture. So many of us adults have been raised to feel like we need to expand, contribute, be all that we can be, and generally do anything and everything besides sitting back and taking life easy. As single parents, we can easily get swept up in this idea of “fulfillment”—are our lives fulfilling enough? Are we doing all that we should be? Have we got ourselves off track and lost our sense of purpose? Where does fulfillment fit … Continue reading

His Needs, Her Needs by Willard F. Harley Jr.

This is truly my favorite relationship book. It really gets to the core of the problem, explains why things like infidelity happen and then give you tools to prevent it. The analogies in this book are great, for example, the Love Bank. They use the love bank to explain how when you meet someone and things are wonderful, this person is making deposits in your love bank. Eventually those deposits add up to a marriage. They also explain how certain things cause withdrawals from your love bank. In the normal course of marriage you will both make deposits and withdrawals … Continue reading

Job Satisfaction? Home – Based Professionals Can Have That!

People that are wondering about whether working from home will work for them often have a lot of questions about what it is really like to work at home. One important question that is likely to be on the mind of anyone that is considering making the switch to home-based work is whether home-based work brings as much job satisfaction as work outside of the home. It is certainly easy to go on and on about the lifestyle satisfaction that comes along with making the switch to home-based work, but lifestyle is not everything. In order to feel fulfilled, most … Continue reading

A Study in Princesses: Pocahontas and Mulan

For the past two weeks I’ve been looking at the Disney Princesses: how they’re presented, how they change with time, and what they say about a woman’s role in society. For all of the princesses up until the mid-1990s, meeting and winning a man (or for Aladdin, a woman) was the fulfillment of their life’s journey. We start to see real change with 1995’s “Pocahontas,” a movie with which I admit I’m not as familiar. But it’s important for several reasons. Pocahontas continues with the recent trend of heroines yearning after lives of adventure, as opposed to waiting for men … Continue reading

In a Seemingly Hopeless Situation?

Have you ever felt you are in a seemingly hopeless situation? I’m sure that’s how Martha and Mary felt too. By the time Jesus arrived Lazarus had been four days in the tomb. If ever there was a seemingly hopeless situations this was it. Martha believed if Jesus had been there this would not have happened. There is an element of accusation in her words, John 11:21. It is followed by an affirmation of faith, verse 22. Jesus encourages that faith, bringing it to a higher lever, verses 25-27. Mary’s response is similar to that of Martha, verse 32. Jesus … Continue reading

Dinner Discussions 2008 Week 7

This week’s dinner discussions are based on lesson seven in the manuals. You may need to adjust according to your ward’s schedule or because of Stake Conference. Try to keep the dinner discussions bright and happy. Additionally you may want to talk about the ralks that you had in Sacrament meeting this week. If you have a child in Nursery or Sunbeams he learned about the Holy Ghost. He learned that the Holy Ghost does not have a body and that the Holy Ghost can comfort him. He also learned that he can receive the gift of the Holy Ghost … Continue reading

When You Really Need a Boost

Okay, no matter how amazingly confident and secure you are—no matter how organized, happy, and financially secure you are, there are going to be those days as a single parent when you are pretty worn down. For the rest of us, those of us who are managing along and would not qualify ourselves as amazingly confident or rolling in financial security, we can really have those overwhelming days when we wonder how we are going to face one more half-empty refrigerator or make it through another parent-teacher conference without losing our minds, what can WE do when we really need … Continue reading

How Works

Several articles ago I wrote about a website that I had discovered. Later I wrote another article describing the site. I will finish my discussion about the site,, in this article. is a website that offers teachers a chance to get funding from donors for special projects. This is how the site works. Teachers must create a proposal for their project on the site. The teacher must describe the project and list all needed materials. The workers at will review the proposal and ask any questions necessary. The proposal will be published on the site and donors … Continue reading

Have You Sworn Off Marriage (or other relationships)?

I’ve seen and talked to many people who swear they will never marry or never get married again, or even never have another serious relationship. In doing research for this column, I find entire websites devoted to not getting married or seriously involved. There’s nothing wrong with that, since it is of course a personal decision. However, it is a good idea to examine why you feel that way. For some, having been hurt badly in a previously relationship is enough to make them give up. This is an especially big issue for those who have been hurt many times. … Continue reading

FLOOR TIME: Promoting the Expression of Feelings and Ideas

If you’ve been following my floor time blogs, your child should now be able to show personal interest and attention during your play sessions, and demonstrate the ability to communicate in ways that are connected to reality and make sense. Perhaps he or she can ask simple questions, make requests, and uses nearly fifteen to thirty different words correctly. Once these goals have been accomplished, your son or daughter can move to the next goal of floor time, which is the ability to express feelings and ideas. This blog is the fourth in a series about being your child’s own … Continue reading