The Life of a Working Single Mother

The life of a single mother is packed. Her mornings are spent running around like mad trying to get all the kids ready for school, packing lunches, pouring cereal, gathering things for work, making sure the kids got their homework done, then rushing to get them to the bus on time, and if she’s lucky she may even get out the door in time for work. She spends the day slaving away at her job, then comes home to make dinner, help the kids with homework, do the dishes, get the kids bathed and ready for bed, stories, and finally … Continue reading

Confessions of a Single Mom

When they placed my son in my arms over four years ago there were some things I swore I would never do. As a single mom it got harder to keep all those promises to myself and as guilty as I feel, I have done a fair number of them. So here it goes, here are a few confessions from a single mom. This morning my son had chips for breakfast. We were a half an hour late for church, his shoes were on the wrong feet, I couldn’t find my keys (as usual), and I had to gather all … Continue reading

Sometimes I Don’t Like Being a Single Parent

I love being a parent and because I’m an optimist I always try to look on the bright side of being a single parent. It’s hard for me to admit that sometimes I don’t like being a single parent. I wouldn’t trade my daughter for anything in the world but sometimes it’s just too much. When I was first divorced and Hailey was much younger just having to be constantly available was overwhelming. When I was married I took a walk every evening for about an hour. I needed that time away just to regroup and quiet my mind. Once … Continue reading

Be an Engaged Parent

Let’s face it, it’s the 21st century and technology has taken over our lives. You want to lose weight? There’s an app for that. You want to learn how to cook? Don’t worry there’s an app for that. You’re ready to get back into the dating world? Never fear, there’s an app for that too. You can find just about anything you need to know online and many of us spend our days doing just that. Have you checked your email today? How about Facebook? How many texts have you sent? How many calls have you made? Needless to say, … Continue reading

Coping with Anger as a Parent

The baby is teething, your preschooler is throwing the temper tantrum of the century, and your six year old is boycotting homework since you won’t let him play his favorite video game. You feel your blood pressure rising, you’re ready to pull your hair out, and snap! We’ve all had those days when we’ve lost our temper with our kids. You feel so completely out of control and it feels like nothing you do makes a difference. Within a few minutes you feel terribly guilty and then without fail the cycle starts all over again. Kids are great at pushing … Continue reading

Single Parent = Child Abuse and Neglect

Most of the time I consider myself a sane and rational human being, I would like to think that most of the time the rest of the world is sane and rational as well. Especially the people who write our laws, I want them to be intelligent and compassionate, I want them to look out for children, but I don’t want them to write laws that will point the finger at me because I am a single parent. Today I am not rational at all, as a matter of fact I am quite livid. Wisconsin State Senator Glenn Grotham has … Continue reading

Blame It On Being Single

It’s tough being a single parent as anyone with any experience will tell you, but do you find yourself using the fact that you are a single parent to avoid doing other things? I know I am guilty of that. Take exercise for example. When I first got divorced I didn’t want to leave Hailey home alone while I went to the gym, it was bad enough that she was home alone after school every day. So I didn’t exercise. When she got a little older I told myself that I needed to be home because teenagers need to know … Continue reading

I Feel Guilty …

Last Friday night, I was the passenger in a car accident that involved getting slammed twice by a semi truck on black ice. I’m feeling so very blessed right now – I’m stiff and sore, my head hurts, and I have five ribs out, but it was my door that took the most impact, and by all logical standards, I should be dead. I have thanked God countless times in the last five days for my life. It’s been hard, though, to keep putting all this weight on my husband. My health this year has really been up and down, … Continue reading

Getting a Handle on the Stresses of Being a Single Parent

Everyone knows that being a single parent is stressful. Face it, you’ve got a lot on your plate and no one to help you balance it all. Stress is just a way of life when you are parenting on your own. And for those of us that get overwhelmed easy, it can be a nightmare. Trying to get finances worked out, dealing with the ex, getting kids ready for school, taking them to all their appointments, making sure that dinner is on the table, making sure the house is in order. There’s a lot to deal with. Here are a … Continue reading

Single Moms Dating Again

The absolute worst thing you can do is to make a single mom feel guilty when she starts dating again. Beginning the dating process is already hard enough for a single mother without everyone else’s opinions weighing down on her. You may think it is too soon, you may not like the person she’s dating, you may assume she’s not putting her child’s needs first but I guarantee that is far from the case. When a single mom starts dating again her number one priority is her children. In every decision she makes she is taking them into consideration. If … Continue reading