Study: Kids Raised by Single Moms do as Well as Kids Raised by Two Parents

A study that was published by the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology found that children of single mothers are no more likely to suffer later in life than kids raised by a mother and a father “in terms of parent-child relationship or child development.” Researchers from the University of Amsterdam looked at 69 “single-mothers-by-choice.” By that, they meant women who knowingly chose to raise their child alone. The researchers also looked at 59 mothers from heterosexual two-parent families. All of the parents in the study had children between the ages of 1.5 years of age and 6 years … Continue reading

Grandparents as Single Parents

Anyone will tell you that raising children alone is hard. Raising children is hard no matter how many parents live in the home. These kids did not come with an instruction manual so we are all just winging it and hoping for the best. Every day is a new challenge and sometimes I don’t feel up to it but you just have to keep moving forward. I don’t know about you, but at my age I can’t imagine starting over with little ones, especially by myself, but it happens every day. More and more grandparents are raising their grandchildren due … Continue reading

The Importance of Grandparents

I recently read an article describing a study conducted by BYU about the importance of grandparent involvement in the lives of children. The researchers interviewed 400 children between the ages of 10 and 14 years old. After one year they found that those who had direct involvement from grandparents were kinder to others outside of their immediate family and friends; and in some cases smarter. Is it actually possible that our children are kinder as a result of having their grandparents involved? According to this study there seems to be a strong correlation. Looking back, this doesn’t really surprise me. … Continue reading

The Importance of Camera Position

When was the last time you shot the same image vertically and horizontally? Most hobby photographers shoot in the moment. They point, shoot and let the image develop as it may not thinking about how a photo could look if the camera was held a different way. Most beginner photographers don’t realize that the way the camera is positioned can make a huge impact on the tone of the shot. The way you hold the camera, vertically (up and down) or horizontally (left to right) helps determine the way your subject is framed. Camera position also helps you get as … Continue reading

The Importance of Fathers

My husband grew up in a home without a father. Like so many kids these days, he had one parent at home who had to work to make a living, so he was on his own quite a bit. But even though he didn’t have a father, he felt the need for a father figure. He adored his grandpa and tried to be like him, and he sought out other men to fill that void in his life. Fortunately, he lived in a good neighborhood and a good ward. As a teenager, a man down the street took him under … Continue reading

The Importance of Parents

I was touched today as I listened to the afternoon session of General Conference as Elder L. Tom Perry talked about the importance of parents in teaching children the valuable lessons in life. I loved how he gave examples of his own mother and the wonderful things she did to enrich her family members and teach them both temporal and spiritual lessons. Her “overpreparation” never went to waste, as she dedicated her time to teaching her children as well as her Relief Society sisters. I also have a mother, who has gone above and beyond in all her church callings, … Continue reading

Parents Play a Pivotal Role in Reducing Teen Pregnancy

In the midst of a debate over the best way to lower teen pregnancy rates, whether it is through teaching abstinence or informing teens about the risks of sexually transmitted diseases and methods of birth control, the story of an eleven-year-old girl giving birth to a baby, to me screams, “neither is working!” The fact is, teachers can preach and teach until they are blue in the face, but until parents take initiative in teaching their own children about sex, teen pregnancy is not going anywhere. Teens are constantly being bombarded with images of teen sexuality in television, movies, books … Continue reading

Making Changes as a Single Parent

Making life changes are hard for most people. Add to that being a single parent and it is no wonder that many parents stress over big decisions. Every decision we make as single parents affects the lives of our children. While that is true for all parents, those of us who are single don’t have anyone else to share the decision with. When there are two parents in a household and they choose together to make a change, they support each other. For single parents, we must be strong enough to make a decision and follow it through. While we … Continue reading

The Importance of a Will for Single Parents

The single most important thing that a single parent can do to protect his or her child’s future is to execute a will. Although we want to think that we will be around for our children, it is important to choose a guardian for them in the event of our demise. The subject came up for me when my son was only a few months old. A discussion developed due to a family member being mentally unstable. I told my family that I wanted to make sure that my son would never be placed in the care of an unstable … Continue reading

The Importance of Acceptance in Single Parenting

When I talk to people who are relatively new to single parenting, one of the things I often hear is “I never really expected I would be doing this alone!” This has led me to a personal philosophy that anyone who considers parenthood should consider whether or not they are able to be single parents, but that is another article altogether. What I have learned from talking with other single parents is that “acceptance” is the first step on the road to becoming a great and present single parent. Sure, some of us choose single parenting as a first choice, … Continue reading