Preventing Meltdowns…For Both of You

I don’t know about you, but when my son starts throwing a tantrum, I know it won’t be long before a mommy meltdown. Being a parent is overwhelming, and doing it without someone there by your side, to share in your grief is just plain hard. There are times when I have just sat down on the floor and cried right along with him because I just didn’t know what else to do. Usually after we’ve both cried it out we can give each other a hug and move on with our day, but trust me, it can be exhausting. … Continue reading

The Mommy Meltdown

My son started daycare about a week and a half ago. The kids are great, the lady that watches them is fabulous, but it has been a big adjustment for him. This is the first time I’ve left him with someone other than family. All of the sudden my little angel child isn’t being such an angel anymore. He’s throwing temper tantrums left and right, he’s hitting and kicking and screaming for no reason at all, he’s just not his usual happy self. Today when I dropped him off he sobbed and wouldn’t let go of me. He clung on … Continue reading

Let the Screaming Begin!

If you couldn’t tell by the title of this post I have a screaming child next to me. I’m on the verge of going to find my own corner to scream in. It’s been one of those days…weeks…months…ok, years. He’s very four. I may have thrown the idea of selling him to the zoo around a few times today. It certainly would make for a less stressful night, but I guess I might miss the screaming after a few days…maybe. Kids are hard and it seems they are always harder during this time of year. With all of the excitement … Continue reading

Family Road Trip Highlights And Low Points

Tonight is our last night in the beach house here in Palm Coast, Florida. Tomorrow we will be embarking on our journey back to Vermont. So far, the trip has been fun. It has been tons of fun at times, and loads of stress at others. Of course, these things are par for the course when you take a family road trip. There have been some wonderful moments during this vacation. Yesterday was very special, as it was my sister’s wedding day. The boys both had a good day behavior – wise and things went smoothly. From spending time with … Continue reading

Don’t Forget to Laugh

After going through a difficult divorce you probably don’t feel much like laughing. Life is hard, you’re struggling trying to find your way along this new path in your life, the stresses are piling higher and higher, but I’m here to tell you, laugh anyway. Trust me, it makes all the difference in the world. Recent studies have actually shown that laughter creates a physiological response in your body that strengthens your immune system and gives you more energy. Both of those things happen to be extremely important as a single parent. You need the energy to parent your children … Continue reading

To Nap or Not to Nap?

My son was three when he stopped taking naps. I literally thought I would die! Nap time was my only “me time” during the day. I had gotten used to running around and getting things done or taking my own little nap with him. Suddenly “me time” was gone and I had to find a way to cope with this new schedule. At first I wasn’t ready to let go of nap time. Logan kicked and screamed and fought the whole way until finally one day I gave up. He really was done with this whole nap thing, even if … Continue reading

Becoming a Big Brother or Sister – Part 3

As I mentioned in the last post, I am not sure what my husband and I were thinking when we brought our son to the hospital with us. We may not have been thinking, as the whole situation was rather chaotic. Even though there was a bed in the room for my husband and Dylan, it became clear to us at about two o’clock in the morning that we had made a very big mistake. I was in my hospital bed hooked up to an IV. My husband was trying to get Dylan to sleep in the other bed. We … Continue reading

Are You Giving Your Kids the Kiss of Death?

I am more J.Crew than JLo or JWoww. I prefer khakis to skinny jeans and respectable cardigans to revealing camisoles. And that goes double for cosmetics. If it were not for the fact that I have skin like a Shar-Pei and a daughter that I am forced not to embarrass in public, I would probably go without make-up every. single. day. While I am far from a Japanese Kabuki actor, I do apply some foundation, mascara and eyeliner on days I am required to venture beyond my driveway. If I forget to add one or more of the aforementioned cosmetics … Continue reading

I’m Always Coming Back

Mommy’s Christmas Break is coming to a close. Monday it’s back to school and back to daycare. My heart sinks every time I think about it. I’m usually really excited to get back to school, but this time the thought makes me want to break down and cry. I’ve gone to school from the time Logan was born. It’s all he’s ever known. But now that I am officially into my major I have a lot less flexibility with my schedule. This means that he is going to be spending a lot more time in daycare. The lady that does … Continue reading

Guiding Others To Adoption

Every time my husband or I hear that someone is considering adoption we jump in with our story through the adoption process. Now my mom is even starting to do it. A client of her has a daughter that is considering adoption and so now she passes my information on to them. She tells people about the wonderful children just waiting in the foster care system for a forever home. It was funny she calls me up asking me what agency we used, who our case worker was and how long the process was. Do you know what my answer … Continue reading