When the Other Parent Isn’t Coming

While some of us single parents share custody and have to constantly work out co-parenting agreements and arrangements with our child’s other parent, there are also those of us who really are solely alone. The other parent doesn’t factor at all in our child’s life—except as a fantasy figure to be contended with. What is a parent to do when the other parent is NOT going to be involved and is NOT coming? How do you explain to a child who is holding out hope of a “rescue” that his or her parent is not on the way? I have … Continue reading

Do Not Believe The Stereotypes

Even as common as single parenting is, there are still so many stereotypes and common myths. Our children are from “broken” homes. This may be true for my marriage, it was broken, but I fixed my home and my family by getting a divorce. My family is not broken, I am not broken, my child is not broken. The same goes for “intact” family. Merriam- Webster defines family as “a group of persons of common ancestry”. We are an intact family, we are a group of individuals of common ancestry who just so happen to love each other and want … Continue reading

PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome)

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common reproductive problem. As many as 1 in 20 women of child-bearing age may have PCOS. It appears that women with this problem do not experience normal monthly fluctuations in hormone levels. The ovaries may start to grow an egg, but all the hormones are not balanced correctly to let the egg mature. Instead it may stop growing, or become a cyst. Either way, ovulation stops. The ovaries of a woman with PCOS consistently fail to produce eggs. The cause of the problem is unknown. Researchers are looking for genetic links, since PCOS seems … Continue reading