Timing is Key

According to a new study, I was destined not to be a Rhodes Scholar. In addition, researchers say because I was born in the month of August, there is little chance I would have graduated at the top of the class from Harvard, Yale or Oxford. They’re right. In fact, I didn’t even get accepted to Harvard… then again, I never applied. I was doomed to be a failure and that goes double for the rest of you Leos, or so says the Institute of Fiscal Studies. The group just released findings from a study it conducted, which shows that … Continue reading

The Role of Timing

As much as I sometimes hate to admit it, there is something to be said for timing–things happening at just the right time vs. trying to force things to happen when the timing just isn’t right. As single parents, we can ease our workload and our stress load some by taking into account the role that timing can play in our lives. I wrestle with the whole concept of timing myself–it is hard getting older and feeling as though time is starting to slip away and that I need to “get a move on” and still understand that there is … Continue reading

Pregnancy Blog Review Dec 30 – January 12

A variety of topics have been covered recently in the pregnancy blog. The blog review is a good place to get caught up on the topics covered in one convenient place. Sit back, relax and catch up on your reading. As always, I welcome any questions or topics for future blogs. At each prenatal visit, the fundal height will be measured. This is the measurement from the pubic bone to the top of the uterus. The measurement is one way your health care provider uses to track the growth of your baby. A lack of growth from one visit to … Continue reading

Mickey Mouse is Back: New Shorts to Air on TV

Mickey Mouse is back.  Whether this is the reinvention that Disney execs promised years ago remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: Disney’s most famous character is going to be a star yet again.  Mickey’s returning to his roots, in a series of animated shorts to debut on the Disney Channel and Disney Online this June.  Entertainment Weekly has the details. Disney Television Animation has been hard at work creating 19 new shorts starring the famous mouse, his girlfriend Minnie, and surely many of his other most popular cohorts, all to reintroduce Mickey to fans young and old.  … Continue reading

Men and Women Are from Earth

A study came out recently in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: “Men and Women Are from Earth: Examining the Latent Structure of Gender.” The central hypothesis of the paper is that men and women actually aren’t all that different.  Many of the differences that we might demonstrate have more to do societal expectations than inherent biology. This isn’t the first study on the subject.  I recently read the book “Delusions of Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference,” by neuroscience psychologist Cordelia Fine.  In it she exposes noticeable trends in male vs. female psychology, both in … Continue reading

TTC and Gender Selection

When my husband and I first decided to try and have children, we prayed for a son. We were thrilled to welcome a little boy into the world 11 months later. I always wanted a boy first so he could look out for his little sister, that is, if we happen to have a girl in the future. Personally, I believe God designs each little baby he blesses us with, right down to each hair on their little head. Some people believe that you can control whether you have a girl or a boy through various methods. It’s a controversial … Continue reading

Oprah Denies Dissing Palin

It’s not something that happens everyday. In fact, as one of the most influential women on the planet (and one of the richest), TV talk show host Oprah Winfrey rarely feels the need to defend her actions to others. However, a recent report that claims the media mogul and “a couple of her top people are adamantly” against booking Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on her show, has Winfrey speaking out. In a rare personal statement released to media organizations the queen of talk came out swinging regarding a posting published on the Drudge Report that claimed she refused … Continue reading

Managing all the Appointments

There are definitely those stretches of time when I feel like I would love to let go of the “secretary” or “personal assistant” part of my job as a single parent. Between doctor’s appointments, trips to the dentist, meetings with school personnel, college visits, therapists, entrance exams—you can probably see and relate to how just managing the appointments for a moderate-sized family of three kids and one parent can be pretty exhausting! My datebook is a constant mass of scribbles. It gets tough when there are overlapping appointments and one of the realities of my single parent scene is that … Continue reading

Consider Restructuring Time Management

Again and again we talk here in the Single Parent’s blog about how important time management is to the function of a single parent family. Many of us pride ourselves on being able to juggle multiple tasks and keep all sorts of balls in the air. Our concept of time, however, may not be meshing with our family’s needs. If your child is balking at certain times of the day, or you are having power struggles or a hard time fitting in the things that you really want to do together, it might be time to consider restructuring your time … Continue reading

What a Girl Wants (2003)

Amanda Bynes stars as Daphne Reynolds, a girl who has grown up without a father. Her mother (Kelly Preston) tells her a wonderful story on her birthday every year, of a dashing man who swept her off her feet and they were married by the chieftain of a Bedouin tribe, but were unable to stay together because his family disapproved. All Daphne has of her father is a picture. She’s never seen him and he never knew she existed. Daphne misses having a father. Whenever she sees a daughter with her father, she feels the lack. Finally, she decides to … Continue reading