Evaluating the Past Month: January

It is the end of January and time to evaluate how I have done this past month. It’s a good time for all of us to do that. Did you meet any goals that you set? Did you incorporate any changes to your diet? Have you lost weight? Do you feel more energized? Reflect on the good things. Spend time really thinking about positive changes you have made. It can be very encouraging. The biggest victory I had was going the entire month without a sweet…no cookies, cake, ice cream or the like. I decided to implement one “big” change … Continue reading

Can Date Night Be Revived?

I’m going on a date with my husband tonight! We don’t get too many of those anymore, so I am really looking forward to it. After talking with a lot of my friends, I have come to the conclusion that for most couples, date night doesn’t just get put on the back burner after a new baby arrives, sometimes it gets taken off the stove altogether. I can count on one hand the number of dates we have gone on in the last year and a half. If you discount all the weddings and group things we have gone to, … Continue reading

What Can YOU Do for Other Single Parents?

I remember a few years back there was an ad campaign on TV where all of these sports stars stated: “I am NOT a role model.” Okay, I can understand that, but as a single parent, instead of isolating or distancing ourselves from our single parent affiliation, it might be more worth our while to figure out ways to be supportive and encouraging of other single parents… It might seem like single parents are just like any other parents and don’t particularly need any solidarity or encouragement—I do not necessarily think that is true. In fact, offering to share with … Continue reading

Taking the Focus Off Ourselves for a While

Perhaps because I write so much about what is going on in my own little world, I often feel like I get pretty myopic. As a single parent, I might also be hypersensitive about myself and my life because I feel like I have to pay such close attention to make sure nothing falls through the cracks. That is probably why I think it can be so great to be able to let all that go for a while and focus on people and problems OUTSIDE my family and my little domestic scene. Getting out of my own world and … Continue reading

Marriage Fights: Money

Money fights are one of the biggest problems in marriages today. Financial counselor Dave Ramsey teaches that this is because how we spend our money reflect our values, and whether or not we have the same goals. For instance, if one spouse values saving for retirement while the other would rather have a new boat now (and spends the money intended to go into the retirement account), there is an obvious conflict. And since a large portion of LDS families are larger than the national average, with more stay-at-home moms (and thus tighter budgets), it is easy to understand why … Continue reading