Time Tight? Prioritize Your Interests

We talk here in the single parents blog about the importance of finding time for self care and personal interests, but I know first hand that it is much easier to talk about it than to actually find the time and energy to do it. One of life’s lessons that I learned from an older mentor is that instead of just giving up and giving in as a single parent and assuming that we are going to have to put our personal interests on hold until our kids are out of the house or our life situations change–we can prioritize. … Continue reading

Priorities 2

Last time we took a journey through my personal history of prioritization (or lack there of). We left off at graduate school, where I wasn’t handed a planner, but a handbook. Did I dutifully learn to prioritize now? Did I learn to abandon procrastination — forget its very name — and press on boldly into the future? Did I do all of those things that seemingly guaranteed my success as a student and (theoretically) as a future professor? Did I? Or did I fail to do those things, find myself wallowing in a pit of despair (of my own making), … Continue reading

To Work Or Not To Work?

Should your son or daughter work while they are at university or college? For our family and for other families we know, it was not a question. It was simply the way it had to be. Was it a good idea? I believe it was. Yes, it meant sometimes it was tight for students getting their required university work done, as well as holding down a part time job. It meant sometimes they had to sacrifice other interests to fit everything in. That in itself is teaching them something about life. That everything doesn’t always come easy. It certainly didn’t … Continue reading