Protecting Yourself

There are a lot of creeps out there. I know this because I’m pretty sure I’ve dated almost all of them. As a single mom, the stakes are a little higher than someone who hasn’t had children before. You’re not just dating for you; you’re dating for them as well. This means you have a lot of weight on your shoulders. It is your responsibility to protect both you and your children as you venture out into the dating world. Always meet in a public place and whether you trust them or not don’t give them your personal information. Be … Continue reading

Are Your Trust Issues Holding You Back?

After a divorce it is natural to have a few trust issues. The person you put all of your trust in betrayed you and hurt you deeply. It is difficult to open yourself up to the possibility of that kind of pain again. You don’t want to feel vulnerable, and understandably so. Nobody expects you to rush into anything, so give yourself some time to deal with these trust issues now, so that they don’t continue to hold you back in the future. I’ve had a fair number of bad men in my life, as a result it has been … Continue reading

Give Yourself a Break

You’ve been doing everything you can to live a frugal lifestyle, spending less or nothing at all on the things that you need, letting go of the things that you might want and putting in the effort to find new ways to save your hard earned money. Well, now I am about to say it: It is time to give yourself a break. Letting go and indulging a bit is good for your finances ultimately because it helps you avoid the frugal fatigue that might otherwise set in. Having a little bit of planned indulgence, or a small break from … Continue reading

Simple Things That Build and Erode Trust

Earlier today, I attended a webinar that was designed for lawyers. Although the webinar was designed for lawyers, the subject matter was certainly a topic that I feel is of the utmost importance for all professionals, no matter what area they work in. The topic was trust. As a professional, you can only be in business if your clients and potential clients trust you. If no one trusts you, you will quickly find yourself without any work. Fortunately, there is no secret formula for building and maintaining trust. There are simple and universal things that people can do to inspire … Continue reading

Learning To Trust Yourself

As a parent you want nothing but the best for your children. You love them more than anything in this world and you want to make sure that you make the best possible decisions for them. You set aside your own needs and wants because they are your number one priority. I felt so guilty after my divorce. I thought about how my decision to marry my ex husband had affected our son. How that decision changed his life forever and caused him to go through such a traumatic experience at such a young age. I was overcome with guilt … Continue reading

Mending Broken Trust

Marriage takes a whole lot of trust. You go into it trusting that the person you’ve chosen will always be there for you, will be faithful to you, will be careful of your feelings, will help you attain the things you need to be happy. When something happens to break that trust, you may feel misled, alone, abandoned, shattered, deceived—there are countless words to describe the emotions you might have. I think the greatest of them all is “hurt.” A loss of trust is not only an emotional hurt, but it can cause a deep, physical pain as well. For … Continue reading

Can Your Husband Trust You?

Let me ask you a question…can your husband trust you? I’m not talking about in the sense that you won’t cheat on him. Of course, I hope he can trust you in that way. But I’m talking about the “little” stuff, or the stuff that we categorize as being little. Can your husband trust you with the finances? Do you spend without making sure you have the money? Do you spend even when you know you don’t have the money? Do you hide purchases? These are all ways that might demonstrate you can’t be trusted with the finances. Can your … Continue reading

Trusting Your Spouse

As I mentioned before, I have a friend who’s getting married soon, and she’s been full of questions about marriage and how to make relationships work. As we’ve talked, I’ve noticed a common theme in many of my answers to her – the theme of trust. When you agree to marry someone, that is the first big step of trust you take. You’re telling them, “I trust you to be my partner and to take care of my emotional needs.” As you enter into the marriage, you’re telling them, “I trust you to be honest with me and to be … Continue reading

On Trust and Home Learning

Home learning can be a leap of faith. To homeschool, you need to trust. You need to trust that you can teach your children. You may not have a teaching certificate, but you have been teaching your children since they were born. You may have a teaching certificate but feel that your relationship with your children makes it challenging to teach them. This could be true. You need to trust that you can work through this. This means that you put aside feelings of failure or challenges from your own schooling and believe that you can learn what you want … Continue reading

Challenge Yourself!

Recently, I blogged about getting more interactive with your traditional scrapbook pages by sharing them online in my article, Is Scrapbooking A Spectator Sport?. However, you might not feel quite comfortable putting yourself out there just yet, so try challenging yourself in your scrapbooking by creating your own at home challenges. What do I mean by a challenge? If you are staring at a blank page, give yourself a challenge to try something you’ve never done before. Here are a few ideas I found for current challenges that are happening right now online! You can easily try these at home … Continue reading