Finding Time for One to Ones

I think one of the biggest challenges for a single parent who has more than one child is finding time to spend time together one on one—so many things tend to be done in a group. When my kids were small, we did most of our recreation as a group and if I could get them on the same sports teams, I did—just to make things do-able in terms of time management. But having that parent-child time is so important; it’s just tough for a single parent to carve that out of a busy schedule. As a parent of three … Continue reading

Visualize Your Way to a Peaceful Family

The other day I wrote about how single parent families do not have to fall into the myth of constant chaos. It dawned on me that wanting to find more peace and tranquility in our family situations and actually being able to make it happen are two different things! But, I do believe that the first step is to actually get a clear mental picture or image of what you would like your single parent family to be like… We can get so caught up in the stress and tensions of reality that we cannot see beyond that. As single … Continue reading

Try Not to Be In Such a Hurry to Move Through

Being in crisis or transition–or wrestling with the realities of a single parent trying to provide and care for a child can seem like something we just want to “get through” and master. I know that I used to feel like I wanted to push and shove my way through anything unpleasant and get to a place where I felt stable and secure and competent again. In reality, however, if we push and rush ourselves through life’s transitions, we miss a great deal of the good stuff and we may be forced to repeat lessons until we slow down and … Continue reading