Values to Hold Onto

As a single parent it is so important to have something to hold onto in your time of need. While I realize not everyone is religious, we all have certain values that we want to instill in our children. When Logan was born I felt a lot of tension within me. I knew how I wanted to raise him and the values I would like in our home, but my husband at the time had a very different set of values, as did the rest of his family. How was I going to be able to teach my son the … Continue reading

Teaching Tolerance

When I married my ex-husband I knew we may have a few issues when it came to raising our son. My ex-husband is an atheist and believes that religion would inhibit any happiness he found here on this Earth, while I have a deeply rooted faith in God and find an indescribable joy in such testimony. I have been blessed that he has allowed me to take my son with me to church each Sunday. I have tried to instill strong values in my son from a young age and thankfully he has supported me in doing so. Even with … Continue reading

Raising a Moral Child

Have you thought much about your child’s moral upbringing? Unfortunately it is one of the things that can fall by the wayside when you are a single parent. With all the other things that need to be done every day you may think that as long as you model good morals your children will learn by example. In some cases, this is true, in others, not so much. I’m not saying you have to take your kids to church every Sunday, I’m just saying that teaching morals needs to be a more active thing than simply modeling what you want … Continue reading

Recipe For a Happy Marriage

Given the increasing rate of divorce what can we do to safeguard our marriages and make sure we don’t end up among the statistics? Here are some suggestions that we have found work in our marriage. Take all the ingredients below and out them together in a marriage. Hold on tight to what you have. Consider your marriage and the positives of your spouse and don’t forget to let him or her know how much you appreciate their special qualities. Overlook their faults. We all have them. Love is about accepting the other person for who they are faults and … Continue reading

The Heart of the Matter

Do you think those around don’t notice your behavior and attitudes? You’d be wrong. They notice more than we realize. Recently a woman I know came to our church. ‘It’s so obvious the love and affection you and your husband have for each other,’ she said later. I tried to think back and work out what could have prompted the comment. Even as I thought about it, I didn’t have a clue what had led to her comment. I couldn’t pinpoint any specific thing we’d said or done. We were just the way we normally are around each other. But … Continue reading

Happily Ever After

You fall in love, get married and live happily ever after. Right? Wrong! Statistics show that many marriages in Australia end in divorce and those who divorce once often end up remarried and divorced again. No doubt it is similar in other countries. So what has gone wrong? Could it be the attitude with which people approach marriage? It’s almost like some people approach it with the idea that it can easily be undone if it doesn’t work out. And we have the examples of so many celebrities who marry and divorce in a short space of time and move … Continue reading

The Case Against Joint Physical Custody

We’ve come a long way since we were children and mothers were routinely given full custody of the children and fathers frequently disappeared and less frequently received a standard visitation schedule of every other weekend visits. In fact, we’ve come so far that now many courts don’t call it “visitation” but more aptly, “Parenting time”. We have seen the damage done to children raised without male role models. We have learned our lessons. Now we believe that any child deserves to share as much time as possible with both parents, if they are willing. Most courts will now consider a … Continue reading