A Little Bit Paranoid, Are We?

I’ve been looking over the blogs I’ve posted recently and noticed how many of them center around defending the choice to homeschool. I have to chuckle a little – if you were to take these by themselves, I’d look pretty paranoid. No, I don’t believe the entire world is out to get homeschoolers in general and me in particular. There are days when it feels that way, but I’m definitely not making this a drama. Fact is, it’s something we deal with, but it’s not unique to homeschool. Every person who makes a life decision that is contrary to the … Continue reading

Watch Out for Those Paranoid Feelings

Recently, I was chatting with another single parent and I felt myself getting downright blue! I realized that in the course of the conversation, she had shared all sorts of paranoid feelings that she was clinging to, ideas about how unsafe the world was, how unsafe her child is, all the institutions and organizations and individuals that are out to get her since she is a lone single parent. I know that paranoid feelings are not the exclusive domain of single parents, but I think we have a tendency to be more susceptible to an isolating “me against the world” … Continue reading

Don’t Give In To “What If”

I think that “what ifs” can be the downfall of many of us—but they can really get a single parent off track. Getting caught up in worry, anxiety, self-doubt and wondering “what if” over everything that happens can keep us from being productive and happy in the way our lives are now. What if the child support payment doesn’t come? What if I have to work overtime? What if my child gets sick and can’t go to day care? What if I have to take that transfer? What if I can’t get into the classes I want? What if I … Continue reading