Neighborhood and Environment for Single Parent Families

This is not going to be an article about how there are “good” neighborhoods and “bad” ones; nor do I want to promote classism and racism–instead, I wanted to talk about how environment does matter when it comes to having a healthy and supportive place to raise a family as a single parent. That doesn’t have to mean huge expansive lawns and 3-car-garages. Choosing a place to live where we feel safe, supported, and where our children have access to everything they need–all within our budget can be a big challenge for a single parent, but so incredibly important. I … Continue reading

Welcoming and Embracing Change

Change is a fact of life, right? Well for many single parents, we feel like we have seen more than our fair share of change in recent months or years and we would like very much for things to just settle down and stay stable for a while. Unfortunately, whether we’ve had plenty of change or not—there is just no stopping it. Learning how to welcome and embrace the constant wheel of change can make for a happier, calmer existence. I know first-hand what it feels like to just want to dig in my heels and say enough is enough! … Continue reading

Inviting Siblings to Share in the New Baby

Welcoming a new baby to your home and looking for ways to ease the transition for your older children. A year ago, my sister-in-law gave birth to her youngest son and my older nephew had just turned six. It was important for all of us to make him feel very much a part of the birth of this new baby and to encourage him to bond with his new little brother. The desire to do this came from all the same reasons all families have – to make sure the older sibling does not feel neglected or excluded and at … Continue reading