Divorce: A Bad Word

I will never forget when my children were younger and a neighbor child rang my doorbell to inform me that my son (who was about 7 years old at the time) had said a “bad” word.  “Really?” I responded.  “What did he say?” You could tell this kid was proud of himself, sure that after he told me, my son would be getting into some really big trouble.  Loudly he declared, “He said,” but then he barely whispered, “hell.”  I had to bend over to hear the word. Well as it turned out my son was apparently relaying a message … Continue reading

Stop Hurting Your Children

Why can’t we all just get along? Words made famous for a different battle but apply just as much to people after a divorce. Divorce is one of the worst things you can go through, for you and your children. Even worse though are the battles that often continue after the divorce is final. Every day I see people who have turned completely against their ex’s and are trying to drag their children with them. How is it fair to a child to talk negatively about their other parent. I’ve heard parents tell their children that their father doesn’t love … Continue reading

Blood Test Results Lead to Divorce

A simple blood test can reveal a lot about a person. It also can tell you important information about who that person is related to. When blood test results reveal unexpected things, this can lead to family problems, (including divorce). Genealogists may want to keep this in mind before ordering a home DNA kit. A student in Taiwan was studying blood types and hereditary properties in his junior-high school biology class. He learned that his blood type was B, and that his father’s blood type was A. This lead the student to ask his father how that could be possible. … Continue reading

Helping Your Child Deal With Divorce

Helping your child deal with your divorce when you are struggling to deal with it yourself is very hard. Children take everything so personally and because they are so young they really don’t understand that everyone around them is hurting as well. Taking the time, through your own pain, to help your children deal with everything will really help them grow up well adjusted, in spite of the divorce. The most important thing is to make sure your child knows this is not their fault. They need to know that absolutely nothing they’ve done or didn’t do contributed to the … Continue reading

Children Turning Parents against Each Other

Children have a funny way of turning parents against each other. It often starts when they are young. They will ask mommy something and if she says no, then they may go to daddy and ask him. If he says yes, then mommy ends up mad and he ends up feeling defensive. Or the same can happen with the roles switched. In a marriage you have to guard against many things. The ability for children to turn spouses against each other is just one of them. It can become even trickier as they get older. Suddenly you are dealing with … Continue reading

Introducing Your Children To Someone New

If you read enough single parent blogs and articles you will see one subject popping up over and over- dating. That’s because we all just keep trying. Simply because our marriage didn’t work out doesn’t mean we are resigned to a life alone. Everyone needs companionship and love, none of us are immune, and so we keep trying. What this means to your children depends more on the individual child than their age or any other factor. Some children accept the fact that you are dating and don’t seem to give it a second thought. Other’s act like this person … Continue reading

How to Tell if You Need Life Insurance

Do you need life insurance? People who are trying to cut back on expenses often decide to put off buying a life insurance policy. This is generally because not everyone understands how life insurance can benefit their family. Your specific situation determines whether or not you need life insurance. Should you purchase a life insurance policy? The answer to this question depends on a number of factors. The thing to keep in mind is that, in general, people buy life insurance in order to be certain that if they die they will still be able to provide some financial security … Continue reading

Divorced Dads Out in the Cold

An article in the Sun Herald on Sunday by Danielle Teutsch, highlighted some of the problem being faced by families where there is divorce. The Australian Institute of Family Studies tells us that 22 percent of Australian children have divorced or separated parents. Around 45,000 children are currently affected by divorce. Half of the divorces in Australia involve children. As Mick and I go into schools to teach children it is apparent to us just how many of the children are affected. Many have a father living in another state that they only get to see once or twice a … Continue reading

Home School Blogger Intro

I started as a home schooling blogger on Families.com about a month ago. My introduction post is a little overdue, but I wanted to share with others a bit about myself and my background as a home schooling single mother. My two oldest daughters went to public school all the way through high school. A move to a rough area of Baltimore had me quickly pulling my three youngest out of school and home schooling them myself. It was a decision I wish I had made with my older girls. Live and learn though, right? For the most part I … Continue reading

What To Teach Your Children About Marriage

What should you be teaching your children about marriage? What is the best way to go about teaching them are two questions to look at. Here are some things I believe we should be teaching our children about marriage. Marriage is not something that should be entered into lightly. Marriage between a man and a woman is a lifetime commitment not just until you get tires of the person or bored or it becomes too hard. Marriage is not for the faint hearted. It needs time, effort selflessness and work to make a great marriage. Don’t go into it thinking … Continue reading