When Kids are With the Other Parent, it isn’t Babysitting

While we may get used to solo parenting and think of ourselves as our child’s primary parent—at least many of us single parents do—if there is another parent involved in co-parenting our children, it can be easy to think of them as a “substitute” or a babysitter. For our children, however, it is better if we acknowledge the other parent as an equal and do not treat him or her like a secondary figure. I confess that in my mind, I think of my children as “living” with me and “visiting” their dad’s house. I know my kids do not … Continue reading

Parenting when They are Away

The reality of many single parents’ life is that they do not always have their children with them. While from what I have learned we do have to have boundaries and allow the other parent to manage things while the kids are at his or her house that just is not always practical. I know for a fact, that even after several years, my kids still call me from their dad’s house with concerns, issues, needing money, etc. and there tends to be a bit of overlap. Plus, we might get calls from the school or need to arrange doctor’s … Continue reading