Learning to Co-Parent

My ex and I were raised in very different families. The value systems are in many cases quite the opposite, so even when we were married it was difficult to agree on the best way to raise our son. Now that we are divorced, the challenges are far greater. Ultimately neither of us can control what the other ones teaches our son or where they take him or who they bring him around. Having that lack of control when it comes to your child is one of the most difficult aspects of divorce. It’s one I often still struggle with, … Continue reading


One of the hardest things for kids to deal with is having one set of rules at Mom’s house and a completely different set of rules at Dad’s house. How are they supposed to keep everything straight if things aren’t consistent at both places. My ex and I grew up with a very different set of values, we were raised completely differently, so coming together on rules was a hard one for us. Things that were a big deal to me, were quite often the opposite for him. In cases like these communication is extremely important. You may not be … Continue reading

Swapping and Sharing Ideas with the Ex

Much of what we talk about here in the Single Parents blog in regards to our exes or our child’s other parent is how to cope and survive the challenges. It does not have to be all bad or all struggles, however, and if we are co-parenting with someone—sharing and swapping parenting ideas may be a helpful, productive activity. The truth is, if you are both involved in parenting your child or children, you may both have some reasonable insight. It can be tough to admit, especially if you are the primary parent, but other people might have some ideas … Continue reading

Sudden Power Struggles with the Ex

Things may be going along nicely in your co-parenting relationship; you may have worked out a communication style that suits the both of you, you might even get along with your ex’s new partner and everyone seems content and well-adjusted. Suddenly, without warning, tempers flare and you find yourself in and power struggle or dealing with long-buried old issues that have shown up again. What can you do to diffuse the situation? I have learned to expect “flare-ups” during times of stress or transition—when the kids entered high school, for example, or with the current graduations. Any time you are … Continue reading