What’s it Like to Parent Two Mentally Ill Children?

Several years ago, Susan and Michael Schofield learned that their daughter, Jani, had been born with schizophrenia. The couple had a second child, a son named Bodhi. At first, they believed that Bodhi was born without any mental illnesses. As time went on, they learned that Bodhi also has some mental health issues. What’s it like to parent not one, but two, mentally ill children? Michael and Susan Schofield decided to publicly share their story about parenting a child with schizophrenia when their daughter, Jani, was six years old. As an infant, Jani did not sleep for more than half … Continue reading

Two by Two

The other night we went over a friend’s house for a party.  I was wondering where we’d all park, because there are 18 people coming, and I didn’t think many of us would carpool.  “We’re all going to be coming two by two,” I said.  I made myself laugh, but it’s true.  When you run in married circles, people tend to go places two by two. I already covered how I resent the idea that Jon and I are attached at the hip.  The group of friends I saw is the same from quiz night.  Most of us go to … Continue reading

Could Your Art Become Your Home – Based Business?

If you are an artist, you may wonder whether creating and selling your artwork could become a part time or full time home – based business for you. The answer is yes, it can, if you promote your art so that would – be buyers can see it. While art is created wherever an artist creates it, art must be promoted in order for it to be seen by other people. When other people see your art, they can appreciate it. Even more than that, they can buy it. In order to make a full time or part time living as an artist, you … Continue reading

How to Turn Your Resolution to Save Money into a Reality

Make sure that you can turn your resolution to save money into a reality when you put the following steps into place. It isn’t enough just to resolve to be frugal or cut back. You have to make a commitment and then know where to begin and how to keep it going. It takes just 21 days, by conventional wisdom, to turn a resolution into a habit. That means with just a little effort each day for the next three weeks, you can start down a path of a lifetime of saving with the end result being financial solvency. The … Continue reading

Two Small Budget Home Improvements that Make a Big Impact

Owning a home means that there is always something to fix or to improve. Living in our homes, we tend to see all of the things we would like to change. Homeowners can easily spend tens of thousands of dollars on home improvement projects each year. Most of us, however, don’t have the luxury of an unlimited home improvement budget. Does that mean that we have to forego improvements completely? Of course not! Small budget home improvement projects are quite possible. In fact, if you know where to apply your money, you can experience big changes in your home for … Continue reading

The Whopping Family Cell Phone Bill

Cell phones as we know them are only a few decades old, and yet it is hard to think about living without them, despite the fact that humankind survived centuries without cell phones. It isn’t unusual these days to be spending $250 or more a month for your family cell phones. In some families, the cell phone expense may be the second highest monthly bill, after the mortgage or the rent. Doing without other things, from eating out to dental care (in some cases) in order to afford cell phones has become the norm. How did things get so crazy? … Continue reading

And the Two Shall Become One

There is a verse in the Bible that says a man and woman will leave their father and mother and the two shall become one. The idea isn’t that you are no longer two separate beings (because you are), but that your lives are now so intertwined with each other that you blend together. The hope is that as you go through marriage, you will make decisions as one. You will love as one. You will stand as one. I don’t know about you. But I don’t always feel like I am “one” with my husband. While there are many … Continue reading

Alone Time

Remember the days in high school when the captain of the football team or president of the student body wouldn’t give you the time of day, let alone a peck on the cheek. Back then, you may have lamented the harsh sting of loneliness and wondered if you’d be doomed to walk the halls of life solo for the rest of eternity. Then, you gave birth and going to the toilet, showering, or even brushing your teeth became a team sport. From the moment your baby arrives in your arms until he or she moves out of the nest, “me … Continue reading

Does Money Make You a Better Parent?

When you become a single parent you quickly learn that there is never enough money. Your kids learn this lesson too, much earlier than you want them too. It’s hard for your kids not to have the things everyone else has, it’s also hard when you are the one who always has to tell them no. Many studies that are done on single parents focus on income as a reason children from single parent households struggle. This may be true, but not having everything handed to you and learning the value of hard work gives our children life skills they … Continue reading

Summer Camp Is Worth The Money

Do your kids go to summer camp? Hailey went once, it was only a weekend camp so she wasn’t gone very long but I think it was good for her. As a single parent paying for a summer camp may be the last thing on your list. It’s not easy to afford this experience for your child, but it is worth it. A friend of mine recently sent her kids to camp for five days. She is a single mom and her daughter has become especially clingy. If my friend even talks about going out for the evening her daughter … Continue reading