Finding Family History In Children’s Books

Sometimes, getting a glimpse of what life may have been like for your ancestors is as simple as turning the pages of a book. Surprisingly, even some children’s books can take you on a journey back in time to the places where your ancestors lived. Last week, I randomly happened upon a book which transported my son and I back to 1920’s England, to the world that his paternal great – grandmother may have known during her childhood. When Dylan and I go to the library, we randomly select five or so books from the children’s area. Usually, he grabs … Continue reading

My Dreams For My Child Are The Same As Yours

There is so much talk constantly about those poor children growing up in single parent homes. Yes, for some children it is a really bad environment, but for most of those children it would be a bad situation even if they had both parents at home. Many times, the children of single parents who are in the worst situations are living with drug or alcohol addictions or poverty. As a society we need to help those children and those families. All of us, single or married, parent or not, should do what we can to help each other. Sometimes children … Continue reading

Hitting Parents Where It Hurts

I scream. You scream. I scream even louder, and you may too if you have to decide between paying your utility bill and buying your kid an ice cream cone this summer. If you thought the price of gas was high, consider paying double what you are shelling out now for a single scoop of vanilla ice cream. According to news sources, your child’s favorite dessert could put you in the poor house due to what is being called a “crisis” in the global crop of vanilla pods. This “crisis” has reportedly prompted some people to stockpile vanilla pods causing … Continue reading

10 Ways to Push Your Teen Away: Don’t Show Affection (Part 10)

You might be surprised at this last part of my blog series, “10 Ways to Push Your Teen Away.” We are going to wrap it all up with a pretty bow called affection. I think the reason some might be surprised is because it has never crossed their mind the importance of showing affection to your teen. In fact, for some parents it might actually feel very uncomfortable. And then for other parents, they get the sense that their teen doesn’t want affection. In fact, you might be outright rejected when you attempt to give a hug. But don’t let … Continue reading

10 Ways to Push Your Teen Away: Expect Them to Act Like Adults (Part 9)

As I continue my “10 Ways to Push Your Teen Away,” in part 9 we are going to consider how we sometimes expect our teens to act like adults. One of the clearest ways we do this is by making statements like, “Grow up!” or “Why don’t you act your age?” I have made similar statements to my own teens. One day my oldest son responded to my request that he act his own age with “I am!” And you know what? He was right. Take some time to really think about statements like that. When we tell our teens … Continue reading

Should You Keep Your Child Home?

Every parent has faced that morning uncertainty when their child comes down the stairs and says he doesn’t feel well, just as you are getting his lunch ready for school. Should you keep him home from school or send him? Sometimes the answer isn’t very clear cut. Here is some advice that can help. Runny Nose and Cough If your child has a runny nose by itself, you can usually send your child to school. However, if it is accompanied by other symptoms or is severe, then keeping him home is the best option. For example, if the runny nose … Continue reading

Domestic Violence Hurts Everyone

Tonight while working on my scrapbooking, I pulled out a picture that instantly brought tears to my eyes, and terror to my heart. Twelve years ago, my mother had to place her husband in a care facility. He had been in a car accident, sustained dementia, and had become abusive to the point of holding a gun on her and threatening her life. After she placed him, she asked me and my little family to come live with her. I moved in, bringing my husband, my little daughter, and my very pregnant belly. Her husband figured out a way to … Continue reading

Why You Shouldn’t Let Your Kids Sleep with Fido

My daughter didn’t get a dog for Christmas. Oh no she di-int! And it wasn’t because of the exorbitant cost of raising a pup. Okay, maybe money was a factor. A huge factor. But now I have another reason why I am glad my oldest isn’t cuddling with a pooch. According to a new report, sleeping with Fido or Fifi may increase your risk of contracting dangerous infections. In addition to an exposure to fleas, worms, ticks, and other parasites, the CDC just released a new study that found pet owners, who share their beds with their dogs or cats, … Continue reading

Teaching Your Toddler About Feelings

It’s amazing to me how quickly babies learn language. If I could learn a brand new language from scratch as quickly as a toddler, I would be speaking fluently in two years or less. The only thing keeping your baby from speaking more than she does is the fact that she has to learn how to use her tongue and lips to form those words as well. Babies pick up language all around them. Some of it they learn from interacting with their family. Some of it is taught. It’s easy to look at a picture book with your toddler … Continue reading

How Much is Too Much Child Care?

How much time do you spend with your child during the week? My friend recently calculated the number of hours that her children are in other people’s care. The grand total: a whopping 61 hours a week. GULP!! The sad thing is that she is not alone. There are hundreds of thousands of parents out there who outsource child care on a daily basis. Forty, 50, 60 hours per week having your kid in someone else’s care; it’s a guilt inducer, for sure. It is for my pal, who says she is not proud of her recent calculation, and would … Continue reading