How Much Can You Keep in Your Head?

While I couldn’t imagine living without my calendars and datebook, I also realize that single parenting has expanded my brain capacity in many ways. There just seems to be things that I HAVE to keep in my head. I’m not sure if this is actually good for me and will help me ward of dementia, or if it is wearing my brain out long before its time… Now don’t get me wrong, I make my share of blunders and I can remember clearly forgetting to take care of something I was supposed to take care of, but on the whole, … Continue reading

Keeping Track of Everyone Without Losing Your Mind

If you are single parent like me with multiple children (and even those of you who may only have one child, but also have work, house, family, and other obligations to juggle), there may be those days when you think it is absolutely impossible to keep track of everyone. As children get older and head off in all sorts of different directions, just keeping a tally on who is where, which permission slips you have to sign, and the phone numbers for all the friends’ houses can seem like a full time job! I think the sooner you can put … Continue reading

Time Standing Still (I Wish!)

My kitchen clock has finally given out. Now, I was under the impression that if I just kept replacing the batteries, a clock would last forever. Of course, that is not the case and after replacing the battery a couple times and finding the clock still losing time and slowing down, it finally came to a standstill. Even though we are a typical modern family with a clock in every room (including the bathroom)—for some reason, having to replace our trusty kitchen clock seems like a big deal. I think most single parent families are incredibly time-conscious. I suppose that … Continue reading

Where Would I Be without My Notepad and Datebook?

We single parents do fuss a bit over our time management! Even though I do try to keep my life as simple as possible and I do advocate for trying to let things go and NOT get too wrapped up with checklists and deadlines, I have to admit that I would be lost without my datebook and my notepads and lists… As I write this morning, I have my datebook lying open by the phone, a manila folder in front of my with the notes for a proposal project I need to finish, and a little yellow pad to my … Continue reading