Yes, I Still get Angry!

I have had several years to work through my divorce, my former relationship and getting used to being a single parent. This passing of time has influenced my being able to write so many blogs and articles about co-parenting and keeping connected in a sane way with all aspects of a child’s family. I do not want anyone to think I am a saint, however, and in all fairness I must confess that I can still get angry, frustrated and aggravated in trying to deal with my child’s other parent and trying to make our divorced family work… I still … Continue reading

Marriage Advice: Don’t Go To Bed Angry

Not going to bed angry sounds great in theory, but in the middle of a knockdown, drag-out fight or extended silent treatment, going to bed is a welcome escape. Falling asleep is another matter. Anger erodes relationships; it resides deep in a person’s soul, affecting reactions, the ability to love and even physical health. While anger may seem exceptionally demonstrative and extroverted, anger can also be very introverted and hidden as a person bottles up their bitterness and ill thoughts. Make Appointments If you are extremely angry and resolution is the last thing on your mind, then it is better … Continue reading

Forgive & Forget

One of the hardest parts of disagreeing with your spouse is that it’s not always easy to forgive transgressions whether they are real or imagined. Yet, even more difficult than forgiving a transgression is forgetting one. Now bear with me, because the old saying goes fool me once, shame on you — fool me twice, shame on me – we all tend to get a little gun shy. However, if love and passion are going to survive in your marriage you have to learn how to wipe the slate clean, forgive each other and forget. While you do not necessarily … Continue reading

Mama Bear vs. Wise Owl

My 7-year-old is fond of telling strangers that her mom is “90 percent wise owl and 10 percent angry mama bear.” She got the line from a TV commercial. I think it’s from those Charmin ads, which feature the family of animated bears discussing the merits of proper rump wiping skills, and how it’s never a good idea to walk around with toilet paper remnants sticking to your backside. Hey, even bears have to preserve their dignity. In any event, back to the mama bear versus wise owl line. When my daughter says it, I take it as a compliment, … Continue reading

Those Crazy Tweens

The lovely tween years, they are almost as baffling as the teenage years. Your little angel has gone from being a smiling, happy, bouncy child to a moody, eye rolling, smart mouthed tween. How did this happen? As parents the behavior of a tween is challenging and as a tween, it’s completely new territory. Suddenly your child is talking back, rolling her eyes, crying over the tiniest imagined slight. Initially you look for reasons, just like you did when she was a toddler and overtired, but this time, the reason is just that she is a tween. Girls tend to … Continue reading

Coping with Anger as a Parent

The baby is teething, your preschooler is throwing the temper tantrum of the century, and your six year old is boycotting homework since you won’t let him play his favorite video game. You feel your blood pressure rising, you’re ready to pull your hair out, and snap! We’ve all had those days when we’ve lost our temper with our kids. You feel so completely out of control and it feels like nothing you do makes a difference. Within a few minutes you feel terribly guilty and then without fail the cycle starts all over again. Kids are great at pushing … Continue reading

Glam Shots for Shelter Animals

Do I look cool/cute enough to take home? I have a horrible addiction: I love to look at pictures of dogs and cats on I know I shouldn’t, but sometimes I just can’t resist. I’ve always been an avid Petfinder follower. I’ve spent time looking at it since I was in high school, and I found the first two pets of my adult life through the site. At this stage I can reasonably say I’m a Petfinder expert. One thing I’ve learned from Petfinder is the importance of creating a good profile for the pets. I’ve seen some pet … Continue reading

Inspired by the Dead

Spooky never tasted so scrumptious. That’s the lesson my second grader has learned by watching Food Network’s seasonal hit “Halloween Wars.” The four-episode series wraps up this Sunday and my daughter is all a twitter wondering which team will come out on top. Teams consist of pumpkin carvers, candy makers and cake designers working together to create elaborately bizarre Halloween themed displays. Interestingly, the show has turned by Halloween scaredy cat into a risk taker in the kitchen. She is dead-set on creating her own freaky Halloween dessert. The problem is I don’t have near the skills as the pros … Continue reading


Kids love sock puppets. They are easy to make and we all have some old socks laying around. Just throw on some googly eyes and poof! You have a new little friend for your little one. You can make these as simple or elaborate as you want. You can add little antennas and turn your friend into a bug, add some little ears and make yours a puppy, the sky is the limit. While these do make great toys, they also can serve a much higher purpose. Logan had an imaginary friend named Greta. He played with her, talked with … Continue reading

Near Tragedy in My Home

In a previous blog I mentioned taking a weekend trip away from home. It has taken a few days to process a scary event that took place but I now feel ready to share it. There is nothing like feeling helpless as a mom. That is exactly how I felt when Sunday afternoon I was sitting inside an airport in Charlotte, North Carolina and my husband called to tell me that a nearly tragic event took place in our home. On Saturday my 17-year-old son and his good friend had attended a party at someone’s house. One of the pastors … Continue reading