I Must Be Going Crazy

It’s been one of those weeks. You know the ones, you’re running from one thing to the next all day every day, you barely get a moment to sit down, and your mind is in a fog trying to remember all of the things that you forgot to do today. Today I confirmed to myself that I am officially going crazy. I’ve over extended myself to the point where I am losing my mind. As a single parent you naturally have a full work load each day. This job was meant for two and you’re doing it alone. That’s a … Continue reading

The Overextended Mom

We all have times in our lives where we bite off a little more than we can chew. This is especially common among mothers, and perhaps even more common among single mothers who are doing everything on their own. In order to be a good mother we feel as if we need to take our children to soccer, piano, and ballet, volunteer in the classroom, help kids with homework, make sure they are getting three wonderfully cooked homemade meals each day, while talking to your mother on the phone, maintaining a spotless home, and preparing a presentation for your latest … Continue reading

You Can Have It All

Why isn’t there a super hero single mother? Some days I feel like I must be super human to get it all done. Unfortunately I’m not super human and at the end of most days I’m just tired. Women in general seem to shoulder the lions share of child rearing and housekeeping, and have for a very long time. Things are getting better, more fathers are actively involved in raising their kids and more men are helping around the house. The majority still falls to the women, and when you are a single mother, there is no majority, it’s all … Continue reading

Don’t Be An Island

A family is an island, I don’t know who said that but it’s true. When you are a single parent it can feel like your family is a tiny little 500 square foot island in the middle of a vast ocean. Being a single parent is a lot of work, especially when you children are young, there really doesn’t seem to be any down time until they are in bed. Then they become teenagers and in many ways are even more work. The lure of the forbidden along with peer pressure makes it more important than ever that you are … Continue reading


“Momnesia”: A rare, or maybe not so rare, form of amnesia contracted by women as a result of having children. Before I had Logan I never had too much trouble remembering things. Now, well that’s a different story and I’m afraid it’s gotten even worse as a single mother! There is just so much going on in our lives all the time that I can barely keep anything straight anymore. I’m lucky if I can remember my own name some days, let alone doctor appointments, school schedules, or play dates! At least when I was married there was someone else … Continue reading

The Balancing Act

Some days being a single-parent can be exhausting, ok let’s face it most days it is beyond exhausting. Instead of doing the regular motherly duties, you’re taking on the role of both parents. There’s no one there to give you a break when you’re on the verge of pulling out every last hair on your head, if you’re sick, you have to come into work anyway, if you have a splitting headache and you can barely see straight you’ve got to pick yourself up and do it anyways because your kids are depending on you to take care of them. … Continue reading

Single By Design?

Is single parenthood hereditary or contagious somehow? It seems to me that once the single parenthood train gets rolling, it’s hard to stop. My father was killed in Vietnam when I was three, so single parenthood was forced on my mother. Now all of my mother’s daughters are single parents. One of my nieces is also a single parent. My brothers are both still married. What does this say about the women in my family? Have we learned by example? It’s been said that we gravitate to what is familiar, is this what is happening to our families? No longer … Continue reading

Lessons from My Father

I’ve always been a bit of a daddy’s girl. As a little girl, I chose repeatedly to attend the “cow sales” (livestock auctions) with Dad over shopping with Mom. Maybe it was because I felt so special being the only little girl in the midst of all those men, but whatever the reason, I loved spending time with my dad. I loved the way he took care of me and, although my memory may be somewhat skewed by age and time, the way he seemed to take pride in my being there. I grew up wanting to be around Dad … Continue reading

Differences Between Mothers And Fathers

As a mother, I often catch myself telling my husband what to do with our baby. Of course, the decisions I make concerning parenting are the best possible choices, and he could only benefit from hearing my advice, right? Most women are born with a strong motherly instinct. To many of us, caring for children comes naturally. As youngsters, many girls gravitate toward playing with dolls, caring for stuffed animals, and preparing meals for toys. As young teenagers, many become interested in babysitting. As mothers, especially breastfeeding mothers, we are often the primary caregivers for our infants. There’s no doubt … Continue reading

Super Mom? Not So Much!

As a single mom, I sometimes have to stop and remind myself that I am not Super Mom. I cannot do it all by myself. I do not have all the money in the world. I do not have enough energy to keep moving all day, nonstop. And I need to remind myself many times that this is all ok. This recent frustration comes from my daughter’s new softball schedule. This is her first year playing softball (although she has played basketball and soccer in the past). She has two games each week, some of which are almost an hour’s … Continue reading